These weeks of May a decade of the Rosary is included in our morning prayers. The students are encouraged to act with respect and justice towards their classmates and teachers. They are encouraged to include others in play, to help others whom they can assist, and to think kindly of others when they make friends.
Did you thank your Teachers on their Appreciation Week?! Throughout this week they received prayers, sweets, and a delish Pickles lunch! But your messages mean the most!
The return week from our Easter vacation has been full of happy rejoining classes and interesting learning! We are reminded in daily prayer to believe that God is guiding us through our lives, and that our faith can be as strong as that of the Risen Jesus’. In these coming thirty-one days together before our last school day on June 14, reach out to your family and community and treat everyone justly. Justice is our May value of the month.
On this Holy Thursday, we reflect on the journey we have made throughout these weeks of Lent. The times we did not think and act positively in our daily lives with ourselves and others are the poor choices that add to suffering in our world.
Today is Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent. Our students have enjoyed an exciting Spirit Week directed by the Student Council. In this value month of Compassion, our student Chaplains, Katie and Quebel, give their time to lead the school in daily prayer and reflection. Our Student Council representatives show good examples to their classmates and acknowledge their service to others with Respect Cards.
Today is Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent, and we are reminded to continue to pray, fast and give service to others. We can fast from violence and feast on kindness, charity and compassion. I am blessed with the generous spirit of your children to help when others are in need. Our All Saints community is alive with the spirit of giving!
April will be with us next Friday- do you laugh on April Fools Day? In the Catholic faith, one of the qualifications of sainthood is a sense of humor. Pope Francis has called joy and a sense of humor one of the signs of holiness. As we move through Lent, let us smile and laugh with our loved ones. There is nothing more wonderful than to hear the laughter of children!
The vernal equinox is ten days away- SPRING! We give thanks daily for the many blessings in our lives. Thank you, Parents, for the generous donations for our Ukraine drive, and special thanks to Tine Rustad and Tammy Fink for the hours spent in packing up the impressive collection and delivering it to Cardi’s this weekend! These actions are living our Faith- completing the corporal works of mercy to take care of each other in need.
The return to school after our February break was a busy one for our school community. The season of Lent before Easter began on Ash Wednesday with a wonderful Mass led by Fr. Codega. The homily Father shared enlightened all to rend our hearts open to give to others. Classes will be attending Mass and the Stations of the Cross during these coming weeks as part of their Lenten prayer. In our morning prayers, we are adding a Hail Mary to pray for peace in Ukraine. Our thoughts, words, and actions send out to the world powerful messages of love and compassion. Our children are ambassadors of this message.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. What a wonderful month to celebrate!
This Sunday begins an annual week of showcasing the faith-filled quality instruction that is the hallmark of Catholic education. In deciding to become a member of our All Saints school community, you have provided your children with an excellent opportunity to achieve their life goals. Perhaps they will become-
In this month of peace, we continue to direct our prayers and efforts to thinking of others before our own needs, and each day brining joy through our words and actions. This week has been challenging in the number of our school community who are out due to either quarantine as a close contact, or who are experiencing symptoms themselves. At these challenging times, we are reminded how blessed our school community really is!
As the world moves through the months of the Covid Pandemic, we need to continue to stay informed of the best practices to stay as healthy as possible.
We hope your holidays have been full of love and laughter, fun, and festivity! With great hope that the new year ahead will be one of the best so far, let us dedicate ourselves to continuing safe protocols.
Our youngest learners were honored to set up the Nativity scene in our front lobby. The Pre-School students read the book- The First Christmas, a Nativity Puzzle Playbook by Allia Zobel-Nolan, and then set up our Nativity creche. They did a lovely job!
We hear each morning of the many names for Jesus in the Bible. How we speak to Jesus in our prayers is a personal message. How we treat ourselves and others is a living prayer that can make our world wonderful for all. Our students are encouraged to give the gift of themselves by sharing their time and talents with others. This season of Advent calls us to prepare for Christmas both inside and out.
We continue to pray each morning for each other and all around us. We are offered the opportunity to make each new day start with a time to remember our blessings with gratitude Today, your generosity has raised our food items and personal products donation drive to 712! Given this extraordinary display of generosity in this month of gratitude, the students will enjoy another dress-out day when 800 is reached. This collection will be shared with St. Joseph’s Food pantry and the Martin Luther King Center. Thank you, Senor Vidotto and the Student Council in collecting and packing the items.