Dear AS²A Families,
Catholic Schools Week was an amazing celebration of our faith, academic excellence, and service to others!
On Monday, we celebrated our faith with an all school Mass at St. Lucy’s Church with Father O’Neill. Father O’Neill’s homily resonated with all as he reminded students to not only appreciate what they learn, but also to focus on the ability to communicate their learning with others. He encouraged them to communicate their faith to all. After Mass, we continued our celebration with a saint scavenger hunt! Does your student remember the saints who were hiding in the hallways?
On Tuesday, we celebrated service to others. Our generous students and families donated over 316 boxes of cereal and 244 individual cereal cups and we welcomed Ms. Alyson Novick, Director of Development for the Dr. Martin Luther King Community Center to teach the students how their cereal donations benefit needy families. Thanks to our donations, the shelves at the MLK center and the St. Joseph’s Food Pantry are well stocked and many children will enjoy yummy bowls of cereal this weekend.
On Tuesday afternoon, we celebrated our caring saints-in-service with a Cereal Domino Challenge. Our cereal box domino trail started in the lobby, turned the corner at the chapel, and ended in front of the Grade 5 classroom! Thank you, Grade 8 and Student Council officers, for creating the domino challenge and thank you, Ms. Brantingham, for connecting us with the Dr. Martin Luther King Community Center!
Wednesday’s celebration focused on celebrating our hard-working students. We enjoyed some movie fun at the “AS²A Multiplex” complete with popcorn and concessions! Thank you to Miss Richardson and Ms. Viveiros for creating our theater!
Congratulations to Olyvia Colwell and Arianna Sherman who represented AS²A at the Diocesan Regional Spelling Bee on Wednesday evening! We are so proud of you and your efforts!
On Thursday, AS²A was transformed to celebrate academic excellence. History Night at the Museum featured student “statues” in vignettes representing Rights and Responsibilities in History. Thank you to the alumni students who returned to bring our lobby to life with the Iwo Jima vignette. As the hallway of statues came to life, parents and families were welcomed into classrooms to share in the research, interactive exhibits, and hands-on projects created by our diligent students. Thank you to our very talented Miss Dawn for curating our museum and to our inspirational teachers for guiding the student learning and research!
Friday served as the culmination of a rewarding week of celebration. Faculty and staff enjoyed a delicious English Tea provided by our very generous PTO and families. Thank you, Tammy Fink and Jackie Healey for creating a beautiful atmosphere! Thank you to the generous parents who contributed delicious food and classroom supervision for this very special treat for our very deserving teachers!
As you can see, we had a full week of excitement and fun! We took lots of pictures along the way - watch for them on our social media platforms. Be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay current with our event photos.
Re-enrollment forms for the 2025-2026 school year will be delivered to families next week. Forms will be due March 14, 2025. Please keep in mind:
In order to apply for tuition assistance, families must complete a tuition assistance application and submit it to our needs-assessment provider, FACTS Management
Financial awards are not renewable, so families must re-apply each year
Financial assistance may also be available to you through your parish. Once you complete your FACTS application, contact your parish for more information about their requirements for additional subsidy
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office. We are happy to help!
Did you know?
AS²A celebrated its first History Night at the Museum in 2012. Each year Miss Dawn welcomes alumni to stage the lobby vignette and keeps the student names a secret until the night of the event. It is always such a fun reunion!
Dates to Remember:
Tuesday, February 4 - 100th Day of School!
Friday, February 7th - Progress reports (marking mid-2nd trimester) sent home/published (this is a change in date)
Monday, February 17 (Presidents’ Day) - Friday, February 21st, No School, Winter Break
Friday, March 14 - Re-enrollment forms due
Thank you for choosing Catholic education and for being a part of our AS²A family.
Wishing you all a blessed and relaxing weekend,
Ann Villareal
For just as the body is one and yet has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ.
~ 1 Corinthians 12:12