Our band may be small, but it is mighty! On Monday, the “standing room only” audience enjoyed the harmonious sounds of our very talented musicians. We thank Jen Hawes for her direction and hope more students were inspired to join the fun as we look forward to an even bigger band next year!
Our Kindergarten and Fifth Grade book buddies are Wild About Reading! They have been meeting weekly to share their love of books and practice reading skills. On Tuesday they celebrated growing, learning, and reading together with a Wild Safari themed party! We hope they continue their passion for reading through the summer months ahead!
Father Codega welcomed our school community at the last Mass of the school year on Wednesday. He encouraged our students to continue sharing the light of Christ with those they meet this summer!
On Wednesday evening the multipurpose room was transformed to showcase our youngest scientists as they presented their Science Fair investigations and experiments. Did you know a rainbow is actually round? Congratulations to all our students on their STEAM learning - we can’t wait to see what you do in Middle School!
CONGRATULATIONS to our GRADUATES! On Friday night, we celebrated our 8th Grade Mass and Graduation and wished them God’s blessings as they launch into high school. Our graduates were challenged by Father Codega and Mrs. Villareal to use their individual gifts and talents as light for the world as they journey forward. We are so proud of their accomplishments and look forward to hearing about their many successes in the future! Please continue to keep our graduates in your prayers.
FREE DRESS DAY - Friday, June 16th in celebration of the last day of school!
All outstanding Extended Day accounts must be settled by June16. A final bill for those who use the service this week will be sent to you and should be paid upon receipt.
Dates to Remember:
Wednesday, June 14 - PreSchool & PreK Picnic
Thursday, June 15 - PreSchool & PreK Graduation Ceremony
Friday, June 16 - Last Day of School, free dress day
Be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay current with our event photos.
Dianne Green and Ann Villareal
Loving God, we thank you for all who graduate at All Saints Academy this time of the year. You have blessed them with faith, friendships, and skills. May You continue to bless them with strength of faith and challenge them to use their learning to make a difference in the world.