You may have noticed the Yearbook was dedicated to our beloved Administrative Assistant, Anne Klegraefe. For 12 years Mrs. Klegraefe, who retires this year, has been the heart and soul of AS²A. Mrs. Klegraefe’s warm smile and kind words have greeted everyone who calls or visits our office, making them feel welcomed and valued. She will be deeply missed by students, staff, and parents alike. We wish her all the best in her well-deserved retirement and thank her for the countless ways she has touched our lives!
Congratulations to our 8th grade students who graduated last night at St. Lucy’s Church with a lovely mass celebrated by Father Codega. We are so proud of each of you and look forward to news of your many successes!
As we enter the last week of school, we’d like to take a moment to say goodbye to our military students and families as they move onto their next duty stations. We are so grateful you chose to be a part of our community. Thank you for sharing your time and talents in our school activities and events. As you travel to your next billet, please go with our prayers, gratitude and God’s blessings and know you always have a home at All Saints Academy!
Our band may be small, but it is mighty! On Wednesday, the “standing room only” audience enjoyed the harmonious sounds of our very talented musicians. We thank Jen Hawes for her direction and hope more students were inspired to join the fun as we look forward to an even bigger band next year!
Summer is quickly approaching - don’t miss the Summer Camp fun! Camp begins Monday, July 1st and runs through Friday, July 26th. Each week will celebrate a new theme…check out the brochure and register now!
Important Reminders!
There will be no afternoon Extended Day on Friday, June 14th (the last day of school).
If you have not yet signed and returned your Financial Responsibility Form and Tuition Policies Agreement for the 2024-2025 school year, please do so as soon as possible. Return the signed paperwork to the attention of Ms. Kathie Bartlett (kbartlett@allsaintsacademy.
All outstanding Tuition and Extended Day accounts must be settled by this Friday, June 14th. A final bill for those who use Extended Day in the last week of school will be emailed to you to be paid upon receipt.
Dates to Remember:
Did you know?
Our graduates become Army nurses, biomedical engineers, college athletes, naval officers, merchant mariners, teachers, emergency medical technicians, computer programmers, oncology nurses, PhD candidates, and more!
Be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay current with our event photos.
Dianne Green and Ann Villareal
Trust in the Lord and do good that you may dwell in the land and live secure.
Find your delight in the Lord who will give you your heart’s desire.
~Psalm 37:3-4