Dear AS²A Families,
STEAM night was another successful event for the entire school community! Students loved presenting their learning to parents and friends. Our curious Preschool entomologists shared their learning about how ladybugs grow and each inquisitive PreK student enjoyed sharing a favorite science topic while preparing their Science Fair project boards with their parents. Our expert Kindergarten programmers taught visitors about Scratch Jr. block-based coding and shared their butterfly life cycle animations, while the First and Second graders used Scratch coding to create stories about the life cycle of a chicken and Plant Comic scenes from stories they wrote themselves! Third graders collaborated in teams to create scenes from Charlotte’s Web with Stop-Motion animation, while Fourth graders embarked on a Legotastic adventure where they designed Lego models of the world’s great monuments and used Scratch coding to present their research. Fifth graders presented their life cycle of a chick learning through Scratch coding projects and poems. Meanwhile, in Middle School, student engineers teamed up to present lessons and Try Me Stations focused on Fabergé eggs, vinyl cutting, 3D printing and duplication techniques, Glowforge laser cutting, 3D Lego models using Meca Bricks, Scratch cloning techniques, and the fan favorite Drone obstacle courses.
THANK YOU to our dedicated teachers for challenging your students with creative STEAM integration! STEAM Night is an annual event so if you missed it this year, make sure to put it on the calendar for next May!
The halls continue to vibrate with the harmonious sounds of our musicians preparing for the Spring Band Concert on Wednesday, June 5 at 11:00 am. We look forward to seeing our band member families!
Congratulations to CeCe Rivers who received Jesus in the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time last weekend at St. Lucy’s Church. May you continue to grow in faith as you enjoy God’s many blessings.
We love to celebrate all our students, please let us know when your child has received a sacrament.
Summer Camp is filling fast! Camp begins Monday, July 1st and runs through Friday, July 26th. Each week will celebrate a new theme…check out the brochure and register now!
Field Day preparations are underway for Friday, May 31st. Check your email for the Sign Up Genius volunteer information. We need lots of help to make this event a success. Remember, all volunteers must have a completed background check on file in the school office. Our field day rain date will be Thursday June 6th.
Uniform Reminder: Warm Weather Dress begins on Tuesday, May 28th (right after Memorial Day). Khaki dress shorts and white or khaki ankle socks are an option for both boys and girls during warm weather dress. Sweaters or vests over white polo shirts are no longer required once warm weather dress begins. Students may also wear ASA gym shorts for PE day after May 28th.
Dates to Remember:
Did you know?
Sunday, May 19 is Pentecost Sunday, also known as the birthday of the Church. On this day, the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles and gifted them with the understanding, counsel, fortitude, wisdom, piety, fear of the Lord, and knowledge they would need to continue spreading the good news on earth. Happy Birthday!
Be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay current with our event photos.
Dianne Green and Ann Villareal
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
~ Acts 1:8