Dear Parents,
Our youngest learners were honored to set up the Nativity scene in our front lobby. The Pre-School students read the book- The First Christmas, a Nativity Puzzle Playbook by Allia Zobel-Nolan, and then set up our Nativity creche. They did a lovely job!
Our students were praised for their respectful attendance at Mass this past Wednesday on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Father Codega, the Pastor of St. Lucy’s Parish, explained the blessing of mothers in our lives, and Mary’s role as mother to Jesus. We pray for all members of our AS²A community, and special prayers for our wonderful mothers!
Thank you for signing the SchoolSpeak published first-trimester report card this week. A review of the grades earned and goals to reach is much appreciated by your students to support their education journey!
Looking Ahead
Teachers will be communicating holiday classroom festivities coming up, please look for their message!
Please note- This coming Tuesday, December 14, there will be No afternoon Extended Day Care. We are having our Faculty/Staff gathering in the Multipurpose Room at that time.
School Picture Retake day is on December 14! Please ensure that your student is in full winter uniform. Thank you!
Christmas Candy Grams are due by December 16 for Santa’s Elves!!
All are invited to drive up to the school front on December 18 at 4 pm to enjoy the Live Nativity story presented by the Eighth Grade students accompanied by the Middle School Chorus under the direction of Ms. Dawn and Mrs. Villareal. The rain date will be on Sunday, December 19 at 4 pm. Thank you for your gifts of time and talents, Teachers and Students!
The third candle of Advent is pink, the candle of joy.
God bless you,
Mrs. Brouse