This week our Feinstein Kindness tree is being created in the front lobby. Each class is contributing leaves on which acts of kindness are recorded, and they are filling up the branches! This month’s value of courage, and our daily prayers, inform our students to reach out to others with kindness and compassion. The daily stories of the saints inspire us to make our world a better place! You are always in our prayers and praise!
Learning from the many RIDOH virtual meetings I attend, vaccinations for younger students is the discussion moving ahead. You will be informed as soon as news comes our way. Thank you for following safe guidelines as we complete the first half of trimester one.
Next week, your student’s midterm progress report work will be published online on SchoolSpeak, and you will be asked to sign and return the midterm progress report. Please check for your login email, call the Office if you need it to be resent. This is the important time to review with your student their progress. Compliment their efforts and support a plan for their academic challenges. Listen to your student’s ideas for working towards their academic responsibilities. We grow with positivity. Celebrate your child’s dreams and guide them on their education journey. Your teachers are your partners in supporting your wonderful students!
Winter uniforms are to be in place now- please refer to the handbook for guidelines. Long pants for both school days and gym days is the protocol as well as sweater vests or sweaters. The ASA hoodie may be worn over the vest or sweater if necessary, not in place of. Only those folks who are waiting for uniform orders may wear a plain navy sweater, vest or hoodie until the ASA uniforms are received. Thank you for ensuring that your student accepts this responsibility.
If there is a parent who would like to take over our Clements Market receipt count program please contact the office and we will welcome you to help out!
Monday, October 18 teachers will be hard at work with their professional development work. There will be no school, I suggest some reading time, some outdoor time, some writing/art time, and some dream time!
God bless you,
Mrs. Brouse