Dear Parents,
We have had a smooth reopening this first week back to school, and I thank each of you for supporting the RIDOH directives in completing and submitting the morning attestation survey; in sending your student in with filled water bottles and an extra mask; in completing and sending in the emergency contact form with accompanying doctors’ letters of seasonal allergies or other existing health conditions; and in preparing your children every day to do their best in school. The respect and attention shown by your children to their teachers and classmates is appreciated!
Thank you also for your support in following our arrival and dismissal procedures, which have ensured a calm and happy beginning to your student’s school day, and a joyous reunion with you in the afternoon!
We work hard to keep our culture of communication and collaboration strong at All Saints, where every member is valued and appreciated. When you receive an email from your student’s teacher, we thank you for a prompt reply that you have received this message. This rewards our hard-working faculty with your attention to their efforts.
Looking ahead, autumn begins next Tuesday. We are planning some FUNdraisers for all coming up! Look for information about a Chipotle Family Take Out Night, an ASA clothing swag sale, and a Fall Walk a thon. If you are interested in helping with these events- call the Office!
As a community of faith, we pray for all every day. God is with us as we journey ahead.
God bless you,
Mrs. Brouse