Dear AS²A Parents,
Faith- Our AS²A day begins in prayer and reflection of how we can treat ourselves and others with compassion. Our September monthly value of hospitality is lived through the laughter and inclusion of all students at play and work. The Middle School is identifying ways in which they can be of service to others in their world, and all grades are reminded to be thankful for their many blessings.
Traffic-Thank you for securing that your students are on time in their class lines on time. Please move up in the car lines along the cones, and be ready to have your students exit the car promptly. There are two lines of parents and students to the front door for Pre- School, and to the double doors for Pre- Kindergarten. All other students in grades Kindergarten through Grade 8 are to be dropped off at the cone lines, please Do Not park and walk the older students across the lot. Thank you for practicing patience and organization in adhering to our arrival and dismissal procedures. We are becoming more time-efficient with each day, and thanks goes to you and our generous Traffic Teachers- Ms. Dawn, Mrs. Villareal, and Senor Vidotto!
Health- Thank you for adhering to our safety plan as we move into fall. In accordance with RIDOH directives this year, ONE symptom requires students to stay out of school and return with either a doctor’s note or a negative PCR. This information helps to determine seasonal allergies from other possible conditions.
Coming Up- Continue to stay updated with the positive news from your student’s teacher. Our wonderful AS²A faculty is committed to your child’s success this year, and as one-third of the communication triangle flow among your student, your teacher, and you, YOU are vital in supporting these coming achievements. As we all know, we grow with positivity, inclusion, and feeling valued. Make sure you share these great messages with your teacher!
Part of our School Safety Plan is that only the students and Faculty and Staff come into the school. As we will not yet meet in person for our Parent Teacher Organization - PTO- the following events are planned for the coming months, and you will be welcomed to help when the event comes. The dates will be finalized closer to the event. Thank you!
Fall- Family Dinner out-TBD 50th Birthday Testimonials on the Website- DO THIS NOW!
Winter- Catholic Schools Week- Family Dinner Out-TBD, Teacher Appreciation Lunch
Spring- Walk-A-Thon, Teacher Appreciation Week,
Summer- End of Year Celebration
God bless you,
Mrs. Brouse