Catholic Schools Week was an amazing celebration of our faith, academic excellence, and service to others!
On Monday, we celebrated our faith with an all school Mass at St. Lucy’s Church with Father O’Neill. Father O’Neill’s homily resonated with all as he reminded students to not only appreciate what they learn, but also to focus on the ability to communicate their learning with others
HAPPY CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK! This week we recognize and celebrate the students, parents, teachers, staff, volunteers, friends, and community members who make up the All Saints STEAM Academy family. We are so fortunate to teach and learn in a supportive environment that encourages and nurtures prayer. The blessing of Catholic schools would not be possible without the deepest level of commitment from every member of our community.
Unfortunately, the cold has been keeping us indoors for recess, but students have enjoyed the opportunity to learn and play board games. A portion of the Read-a-thon funds have been allocated to indoor recess games and activities to continue the fun. Thank you again to all who participated in this fundraiser!
We have celebrated much student success lately. Our Robotics team is moving on to the State competition tomorrow. Our Spelling Bee winners will head to the Regional Bee on January 29th and all the winners of the Aquidneck Island Land Trust K-4 Writing contest are All Saints students! We are so proud not only of our students’ success, but also their quest for learning and growth as each of these competitions require hard work and perseverance
The peace of the Advent season was highlighted by the breathtaking Christmas nativity pageant on Tuesday night, directed by our divinely talented Miss Dawn. The church was filled with family and friends who joined together to celebrate the love, peace, and hope that Christmas embodies. The joy on the children's faces was absolutely priceless as they embraced the true spirit of Christmas. Thank you to our amazing teachers for wrangling our littlest reindeer, guiding our young shepherds, supporting the multitudes of angels, donning headpieces for our stable animals, and providing encouragement for the kings and holy family. 100 students shared a special and memorable evening with family and friends. Thank you, Miss Dawn, for creating an inspiring pageant that truly was “the first gift of the season”.
A heartfelt thank you to our amazing PTO officers, Tammy Fink and Jackie Healey, for organizing a truly magical Breakfast with Santa! Guests were welcomed into a stunning winter wonderland that set the stage for a morning filled with joy and holiday cheer. Children’s smiles lit up the room as they enjoyed a delicious pancake breakfast, generously provided by IHOP, and eagerly awaited their turn to share Christmas wishes with Santa
It’s beginning to sound a lot like Christmas at All Saints! The joyful melodies of the band practicing for their Christmas concert echo through the halls, while classrooms are alive with the sound of students rehearsing carols for the upcoming Christmas pageant. The excitement and festive spirit are truly in the air as we prepare to celebrate this special season together.
Today we celebrated our feast day, All Saints Day. We enjoyed a lovely mass with Father O’Neill and the parishioners of St. Lucy’s Church. Thank you to those who were able to celebrate with us at mass this morning!
We look forward to our creative Trick or Treaters and Trunk decorators making this Saturday, October 19th, a Spooktacular Success! There is still room for your trunk if you are feeling creative and would like to join the fun…the more trunks, the better!
This Wednesday, the students celebrated the Miracle of Fatima with a special presentation by Sister Colleen, SSD (middle school Religion teacher). The Miracle of Fatima occurred in 1917 in Portugal, where three shepherd children, Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco, witnessed apparitions of the Virgin Mary over several months culminating in the October 13th "Miracle of the Sun," witnessed by thousands. Lucia, one of the children to whom Mary appeared, joined the Sisters of St. Dorothy, like our own Sister Colleen. Thank you, Sister Colleen, for sharing the stories and pictures of Lucia that brought her to life for our students!
This Wednesday we enjoyed a warm welcome from Father Codega and the parishioners of St. Lucy’s Church as we celebrated our first mass as a school community. Middle School students served as church buddies and amazing role models for the Preschool, PreK, and Kindergarten classes. Thank you to the many parents who joined us for mass and to Allie Kate Ruisi, Grade 3, for volunteering to serve on the altar. It was a very special start to our year!
Each day, I make a point of visiting the classrooms and saying good morning to the students and teachers. I am already so impressed with the work the students are doing, the kindness they are showing to their classmates, and the way they have adapted to the routines and expectations set by the teachers. I always say AS²A has the BEST students, teachers and staff and I am reminded of that each and every day. Way to go, Eagles!
The first days of school have been so much fun! The quiet summer hallways of AS²A were once again filled with the joyful sounds of students reuniting with old friends and eagerly making new ones.
We hope this Summer Scoop finds you in good health and basking in the fun and relaxation of a beautiful summer! All Saints has been abuzz with activity throughout the summer break as we gear up for the new academic year filled with boundless possibilities.
We kicked off the summer with our traditional car line dance party (complete with the dancing pterodactyl Em Devaud) not because we are happy to see you go, but rather to celebrate the family that is All Saints STEAM Academy.
You may have noticed the Yearbook was dedicated to our beloved Administrative Assistant, Anne Klegraefe. For 12 years Mrs. Klegraefe, who retires this year, has been the heart and soul of AS²A.
Field Day was a HUGE SUCCESS! Students of all ages were heard saying, “It was the best field day we’ve ever had!” This year we added an inflatable obstacle course to the fun and it was a hit! Thank you once again to our amazing PTO Board for planning such an amazing event! Thank you, also, to the MANY parent volunteers and teachers who managed the games and cheered on the players - without you this fun day would not have been possible! We are grateful!
We received the most exciting news from Google this week! Our very own Mary Precia McCabe, Grade 7, is the Rhode Island finalist for the Doodle 4 Google national contest! Mary Precia’s family and representatives from Google joined us for an assembly on Tuesday morning to make the surprise announcement in front of the entire school!
April is the Month of the Military Child and on Wednesday we “purpled up” to celebrate! Every student sported a purple bandana and a purple bracelet in honor of our military students. We gathered for an all school assembly to learn about the sacrifices our military children make in support of their active duty parents, sing songs, and award each military child a certificate of appreciation.