Dear AS²A Families,
We have celebrated much student success lately. Our Robotics team is moving on to the State competition tomorrow. Our Spelling Bee winners will head to the Regional Bee on January 29th and all the winners of the Aquidneck Island Land Trust K-4 Writing contest are All Saints students! We are so proud not only of our students’ success, but also their quest for learning and growth as each of these competitions require hard work and perseverance.
The AS²A Spelling Bee was held on Wednesday, January 8th. Congratulations to:
Winner, Olyvia Colwell, Grade 8 and
First Place Runner Up, Arianna Sherman, Grade 8
Olyvia and Arianna will represent All Saints at the Regional Spelling Bee on Wednesday, January 29th at St. Mary School in Cranston. Good luck to all!
Congratulations to our very talented third grade students who excelled in the Aquidneck Land Trust Art and Writing Contest, K-4 Writing Division! The contest encourages students to express their appreciation for the natural beauty of Aquidneck Island through their art and writing. Put your hands together for our talented writers and their teacher, Mrs. Everin for inspiring their winning work!
First Place: James Zebian, Secret Beach
Second Place: Madison Apted, Naval War College
Third Place: Jack Fountain, Sunset at Cliff Walk
Honorable Mention: Arminda Gregson, Prescott Fairy Trail
The excitement is building for Catholic Schools Week, an opportunity to celebrate our faith, community, students, teachers, and learning! You will hear more about the festivities, but mark your calendars now for Thursday, January 30th at 6:00. All students and families are invited to attend History Night at the Museum, a MUCH anticipated highlight of Catholic Schools Week - don’t miss this AS²A tradition!
All are invited to join us for our Catholic Schools Week Mass on Monday, January 27th at 9am at St. Lucy’s Church.
The PTO is planning a Staff Appreciation Luncheon for Friday, January 31st. Please be on the lookout for a Sign Up Genius to help with the much deserved festivities!
In celebration of service and community, we are collecting boxes of cereal during these days before Catholic Schools Week. Our friends in need at the Martin Luther King Center and St. Joseph’s Food pantry look forward to our annual donation. Please send in your cereal boxes by Friday, January 24th. During CSW, we will celebrate our efforts with a cereal box domino run through the classroom hallway. The more boxes we get, the longer the domino trail - help us reach our goal of 300 boxes!
Dates to Remember:
Monday, January 20 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day ~ No School
Tuesday, January 21 - Mid-2nd trimester
Wednesday, January 22 - AS²A Middle School Science Fair
January 26 - February 1 - National Catholic Schools Week
Monday, January 27 - Catholic Schools Week Mass, 9:00 am at St. Lucy’s Church
Thursday, January 30 - AS²A History Night at the Museum, 6:00 - 7:30 pm - NO AFTERNOON EXTENDED DAY!
Tuesday, February 4 - 100th Day of School!
Friday, February 7th - Progress reports (marking mid-2nd trimester) sent home/published (this is a change in date)
Did you know?
We collected 300 boxes of cereal in last year’s Cereal Box Challenge to benefit the hungry on Aquidneck Island.
Be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay current with our event photos.
Enjoy your weekend,
Ann Villareal
“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”