Dear AS²A Families,
HAPPY CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK! This week we recognize and celebrate the students, parents, teachers, staff, volunteers, friends, and community members who make up the All Saints STEAM Academy family. We are so fortunate to teach and learn in a supportive environment that encourages and nurtures prayer. The blessing of Catholic schools would not be possible without the deepest level of commitment from every member of our community. Thank you for entrusting us to partner with you in the faith formation and academic development of your children. Please view the Catholic Schools Week Flyer for a schedule of events for this week of celebration!
Please remember the hungry families of our community when you are shopping this weekend. Our friends in need at the Martin Luther King Center and St. Joseph’s Food pantry look forward to our annual donation. Please send in your cereal boxes Monday, January 27th to help us reach our goal of 300 boxes (we need 85 more boxes!)
On Thursday, January 30th, AS²A will morph into a museum for the much anticipated History Night at the Museum! At 6:00pm, the hallway vignettes open, with a special presentation by the AS²A Chorus and then at 6:30pm, the vignettes shut down and the classrooms open to feature the students’ research on Rights and Responsibilities. We hope you will join us for the evening - it is a highlight of the year!
The Middle School Science and Engineering Fair was held this past Wednesday. Students worked for months (starting in October) to research and test a chosen area of science. Judges from the Naval Academy Preparatory School and the Naval Undersea Warfare Center listened to each student present their findings and explain their methodology. The judges were very impressed with the students’ knowledge of their topic and their ability to present in such a professional manner. Congratulations to all our middle school students and we wish the best of luck to our class finalists who are invited to represent AS²A at the Rhode Island Science and Engineering Fair held at CCRI Warwick in March:
Grade 8
Olyvia Colwell, 1st Place - “How Do Different Consistencies of Butter Affect Cookies?”
Arianna Sherman, 2nd Place - “When Listening to Different Tempos of Songs, Which Tempo Will Have a More Significant Effect on Blood Pressure?”
Ava Wiggins, 2nd Place - “When Brita Filtered and Nestle Pure Life Bottled Water Are Tested for Chlorine, Will Sustainability Affect the Level of Chlorine?”
Braiden Purdy, 3rd Place - “What Type of Bridge Can Withstand the Most Wind From a Fan?”
Grade 7
Zoe Kutsaftis, 1st Place - “How Does the Angle of a Solar Panel Affect the Speed of a Solar Car?”
Sophia Kutsaftis, 2nd Place - “What Detergent Removes Stains Best?”
Mila McComas-DeMello, 3rd Place - “Can Preschool Through First Graders Open a Push- Down- and-Turn Medicine Bottle?”
Grade 6
Isyz Reid, 1st Place - “Can Different Salts Clean Pennies?”
Olivia Brickner, 2nd Place - “Does Temperature Affect Magnet Strength?”
Katherine Reynolds, 3rd Place - “Will a Hot Water Bath Prevent Strawberries from Growing Mold?”
THANK YOU, Mrs. Ruisi for guiding our students through the Research paper and Mrs. Sornberger for guiding our young scientists through experimentation and data collection and organizing the Middle School Science Fair!
REMINDER: There is no Afternoon Extended Day on Thursday, January 30th. Please make plans for your child’s transportation home from school.
Dates to Remember:
January 26 - February 1 - National Catholic Schools Week
Monday, January 27 - Catholic Schools Week Mass, 9:00 am at St. Lucy’s Church
Thursday, January 30 - AS²A History Night at the Museum, 6:00 - 7:30 pm - NO AFTERNOON EXTENDED DAY!
Friday, January 31 - AS²A Teacher Appreciation Luncheon (see Sign Up Genius to help!)
Tuesday, February 4 - 100th Day of School!
Friday, February 7th - Progress reports (marking mid-2nd trimester) sent home/published (this is a change in date)
Did you know?
This week marks the 51st anniversary of the annual celebration of Catholic Schools Week, a week commemorating the ministry of Catholic schools across the United States. The goal of Catholic Schools Week is to encourage Catholic schools to reach out to the surrounding community and invite them to participate in the mission of the school.
Be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay current with our event photos.
Enjoy the weekend,
Ann Villareal
A Prayer for Catholic Schools Week:
Heavenly Father, Your light shines brightly in your children. You have inspired us to do good deeds in your name.
Bless this school and all who work to make your will known in the world. We ask this in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.