Dear AS²A Families,
HAPPY CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK! This week we recognize and celebrate the students, parents, volunteers, and community members who make up the All Saints STEAM Academy family. We are so fortunate to teach and learn in a supportive environment that encourages and nurtures prayer. The blessing of Catholic schools would not be possible without the deepest level of commitment from our parents, teachers and staff, volunteers, local churches, and broader communities. Thank you for entrusting us to partner with you in the faith formation and academic development of your children.
THANK YOU for the hundreds of cereal boxes you donated for the hungry families of our community! On Monday, we will have an all-school assembly with Ms. Alyson Novick, Director of Development for the Martin Luther King Center. She will explain to the students where their donations go and how they benefit needy families. We look forward to her visit as we learn the value of serving others.
On Tuesday, all are welcome to join us as we celebrate our faith with an all-school Mass at 9 am at St. Lucy’s Church. Grade 6 students will host and provide the readings. We look forward to seeing you there!
On Wednesday, AS²A celebrates our students with a Movie Day! Please watch your email for movie permission slips. Popcorn and movie theater treats will be provided.
AS²A morphs into a museum on Thursday, February 1st for the much-anticipated History Night at the Museum! At 6:00 pm, the hallway vignettes open, and then at 6:30 pm, the vignettes shut down and the classrooms open to feature the students’ research on Turning Points in History. We hope you will join us for the evening - it is a highlight of the year!
On Friday, with the help of our PTO, we will celebrate the commitment and efforts of our talented staff and faculty with a luncheon at school. Thank you to all who have volunteered to help with the festivities!
*Special Note* We still have an opening for an Extended Day assistant for mornings and afternoons. If you or someone you know is interested in earning some extra spending money, please contact Anne Klegraefe in the office at 848-4300 or send an email to [email protected] Please spread the word about this job opportunity!
*Special Note* from Knights of Columbus: The Knights of Columbus is hosting a Community Blood Drive on Thursday, February 1, 2024, 2:00 pm-7:00 pm, at Knights of Columbus, 7 Valley Road in Middletown. FREE STEAK DINNER FOR DONORS.
Dates to Remember:
Did you know?
This week marks the 50th anniversary of the annual celebration of Catholic Schools Week, a week commemorating the ministry of Catholic schools across the United States. The goal of Catholic Schools Week is to encourage Catholic Schools to reach out to the surrounding community and invite them to participate in the mission of the school.
Be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay current with our event photos.
Dianne Green and Ann Villareal
A Prayer for Catholic Schools Week:
Heavenly Father, Your light shines brightly in your children. You have inspired us to do good deeds in your name. Bless this school and all who work to make your will known in the world. We ask this in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.