Dear Parents,
As we end the 2020 year together, let us take a moment to thank God for all of the blessings we have received. Let us extend to our family and friends a loving prayer, phone call, card and message, however far away they may be in person. Celebrate with your wonderful children- throughout the classrooms today children are happy and relaxed anticipating the fun times coming.
The Christmas vacation begins after today- there will be no online school on Monday- Rejoice! We will meet together again in person on January 4, 2021!
Over the holidays, please follow the RIDOH directives about travel. Your children must be tested if you travel. It is very important that if someone in your family receives a positive Covid-19 test result, the students must be tested as well, or remain at home for the time apart. We have done a great job in staying well these past thirteen weeks, let’s continue the good efforts as we move into 2021!
Look on SchoolSpeak this afternoon for the report card grades published. Review their accomplishments and praise them for their efforts. Make a plan to go into the new year with improvements and to keep up the great job!
We are awaiting the ASA Sportswear delivery- the snowstorm has delayed delivery so fingers crossed!
When we return in January, the sweater or vest must be worn as part of the winter uniform. Only ASA hoodies, or a plain navy hoodie or sweatshirt, may be worn in addition over the winter uniform. Thank you for your support!
On behalf of all of our All Saints STEAM Academy Faculty and Staff, we wish you a Blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
God Bless You,
Mrs. Brouse