As always, we appreciate your cooperation and support of our school program. As a faith community, we pray daily for our families and for all around us. We live our faith when we are challenged to rearrange our lives to remain safe. This past week as you know, the school was cleaned on Monday throughout as safety precaution response to a positive tested member of our community. On Wednesday, a second positive test result was identified, and so, as our RIDOH guidance dictates, the elementary grades 3,4 and 5 are on distance learning until Monday, November 23, at which time, after fourteen days at home, they will return to school. This is the protocol followed in this situation, and it takes the flexibility, stability and awareness of us all to ensure we are watching our safe choices, and we remain aware and ready if plans have to change. RIDOH is working through this process at their pace.
This week you responded in force to the ASA teacher bio posts on social media- they were terrific, right?! Did you share it? Our technology staff, Andrew Rys, is a blessing to our community! Look for the virtual tour post, and share it with all! There is tuition scholarship for those families who bring a new family to enroll at ASA – spread our good news!
Have you ordered your ASA Sportswear yet? The students love the designs- that is a Christmas hint there! They may wear them on PE days as well!
In this month of gratitude, let us look around and give thanks for the many blessings we enjoy in our lives. The love of family and friends is always with us, distance cannot separate hearts that are joined together.
God Bless you,
Mrs. Brouse