Parent Update
Dear Parents,
Today marks the end of the first trimester of this school year. Next Friday, your student’s report card will be published on SchoolSpeak. Please review these grades with your students and discuss the efforts and attention they gave for each subject. It is helpful to identify their study skills, their organization of time to complete projects, and their daily review of lessons learned so it imprints in their memories for the next day. Contact the Office if you do not have your password for SchoolSpeak!
Our AS²A alumni, who have gone on to competitive Catholic, private, and public high schools, have shared that the hours of daily review; the flashcards made for test preparation; the notebooks completed daily and memorized; and the calendar organization of upcoming projects and work, all started at All Saints. Our alumni are scientists, nurses, engineers, technicians, artists, teachers, and entrepreneurs. They hold advanced degrees and doctorates. They lead in our local and military communities. They shared their education journey at All Saints.
So, this Christmas, be proud that you have given your child a wonderful gift of superior education at All Saints STEAM Academy. Stay invested in this journey, it sets your children for future successes!
You have all received the December 14-January 14, 2021 ASA Hybrid Program contract. If you are planning for your student to participate in this program, you must return the signed contract by both you and your student by Monday, December 14, at 8 am!
Please remember the RIDOH travel directives if you are planning to travel out of RI over the vacation. You must be tested within 72 hours of arrival back in RI, and in addition you must stay home for 14 days from when you return, to ensure enough time for any symptoms to present.
In this month of Charity, our Student Council is selling Christmas Candy Grams. For $1.00, your Christmas message will be decorated and delivered with candy- by Santa! Please send in your message and monies by Tuesday, December 15!
As the classes are preparing to celebrate the third week of Advent which is next week, it is the Pink candle Sunday of Joy- please thank your teachers for their consistent dedication to your student’s success. As we said our goodbyes to Ms. Teri, our Pre-School teacher who will be leaving for Parenthood- her parents gave her messages of love and thanks. Send that to your student’s teacher- it is the best gift they can receive.
God bless you,
Mrs. Brouse