The return to school after our February break was a busy one for our school community. The season of Lent before Easter began on Ash Wednesday with a wonderful Mass led by Fr. Codega. The homily Father shared enlightened all to rend our hearts open to give to others. Classes will be attending Mass and the Stations of the Cross during these coming weeks as part of their Lenten prayer. In our morning prayers, we are adding a Hail Mary to pray for peace in Ukraine. Our thoughts, words, and actions send out to the world powerful messages of love and compassion. Our children are ambassadors of this message.
Here is a wonderful example! I had a phone call from a Newport resident who shared the considerate acts of one of our Eighth-grade students as he waited for his ride home after a sports class. The caller was so impressed by this student’s politeness and kindness that she wanted to share how he lifted her spirits. She complimented our school, our teachers, and this student. Great job!
To continue our celebration of our fifty years of All Saints history, this week, each student received a baggie of Legos as a gift from our generous benefactors Tom and Janice Kowalczyk. Now our students can be creators at home as well as in school with STEAMopolis!! Thank you again, Tom and Janice!
Continuing reminder- Enrollment time is now!
Monday, March 4, the wearing of facial coverings will be optional. If you choose to have your student continue to wear a mask at school, or not, your choice will be respected. Comments on personal choices will not be tolerated.
In this Lenten time of prayer, fasting, and service, we remember the many sacrifices made by our dedicated and talented faculty. They have continued throughout these academic years to provide quality instruction both online and in person. They have consistently worn facial coverings to reduce viral spread; cleaned their classrooms continuously to provide clean work surfaces; ensured that each student properly cleaned their hands when working, playing, and eating; maintained flowing classroom ventilation throughout the changing daily weather; attended to their own health in order to be present for their students, all while researching and instructing creative, interactive lessons for your students.
There is no better faculty than our All Saints Faculty. Pray for them this Lent. Thank them this Lent. Do something to lift their spirits this Lent. They deserve it.