Dear Parents,
These weeks of May a decade of the Rosary is included in our morning prayers. The students are encouraged to act with respect and justice towards their classmates and teachers. They are encouraged to include others in play, to help others whom they can assist, and to think kindly of others when they make friends.
Thoughts become Words, Words become Actions, Actions become Character, Character is Everything
A great message to share!
Looking Ahead
May 16 – Our Hannah Wertens Lending Library will be dedicated on Monday with the Middle school students attending. Fr. Codega will bless this Eagle Scout project completed by Hannah’s cousin, Zach Zeller. Please keep Hannah’s family in your prayers as they live with her beautiful memories.
May 19 - Please support your student in gathering sponsors for our annual Walk-A-thon this coming Thursday!!! Thank you for spreading our healthy fundraiser news!! The students are excited to win those gift cards and a pizza party!
May 22- the new Principal, Mrs. Lara Wibeto, will be in the school this day to get to know our AS²A world. This is the day for students and teachers to be introduced to Mrs. Wibeto. Your introduction visit will be on June 6 from 8-9:30 for Coffee An’! Mark your calendars!
May 25 – Our annual Band Concert will be held at 1 pm this afternoon for our Band member’s parents and the upper school grades students. We thank Paul Effman Music and Ms. Jen Hawes for the wonderful instruction this year!
May 27- 9 am Memorial Day liturgy. All are invited to this school mass. We thank our Military families for their service and sacrifice.
Enjoy your May days with your lovely children!
God bless you,
Mrs. Brouse