It’s here! It’s here! Catholic Schools Week begins Sunday, January 31, 2021! We thank you for supporting our focus to communicate our good AS²A news on social media, and by sharing your testimonials for our website! We thank you for supporting our plans to show our teachers much-earned appreciation!
As we move ahead with our school days, we look to the saints for their examples of service and love for their community. We are learning about one of the newest beatified saints- fifteen-year-old Carlo Acutis. In his short life, Carlo used technology to create a website documenting Eucharistic miracles from around the world. Because of this, he is known as the patron saint of the Internet. What a great story for our young students at our STEAM school!
As we end this week, I applaud your flexibility and support of our safety plans in providing distance learning to our students. Practicing safe distance, wearing masks, hand washing, and cleaning through the days, has allowed the school to remain in-person to week 17, having specific pods out when there is a presumption of possible close contact.
We are ending the first week of the new year, and week 15 of the school year! Thank you for completing your attestation survey, sending your students to school well rested, well fed and with full water bottles, and when needed- getting Covid-19 tests done to ensure all of our safety. As we move ahead through these colder winter months, it is very important to make safe choices to stay healthy from the annual flus and colds as well as the virus.
This is the first Monday of the first school week of 2021- I welcome you to a new year ahead of creative and collaborative learning for your children! From the time our day began with prayers, the sounds of instruction, discussion, and understanding were heard in each grade- what a wonderful start to the year!