This Sunday begins an annual week of showcasing the faith-filled quality instruction that is the hallmark of Catholic education. In deciding to become a member of our All Saints school community, you have provided your children with an excellent opportunity to achieve their life goals. Perhaps they will become-
In this month of peace, we continue to direct our prayers and efforts to thinking of others before our own needs, and each day brining joy through our words and actions. This week has been challenging in the number of our school community who are out due to either quarantine as a close contact, or who are experiencing symptoms themselves. At these challenging times, we are reminded how blessed our school community really is!
As the world moves through the months of the Covid Pandemic, we need to continue to stay informed of the best practices to stay as healthy as possible.
We hope your holidays have been full of love and laughter, fun, and festivity! With great hope that the new year ahead will be one of the best so far, let us dedicate ourselves to continuing safe protocols.